
in idleness

🇬🇧United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland👘 Mr. Shakespeare, I presume.

NO. 170 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 英国 (グレートブリテン及び北アイルランド連合王国)


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Kimono by 眞鍋 沙智 Sachi Manabe

The main features of the design are the English garden and the Union Jack. Ms. Manabe's creations are characterised by being inspired by literature and music, and she depicted UK against the backdrop of the River Thames and the London night scene, using motifs from Sherlock Holmes, A Midsummer Night's Dream, Hamlet, Alice in Wonderland and 007.

Image Reference:
『「Musée du KIMONO」で世界を旅する @京セラ美術館』下鴨・宝ヶ池・平安神宮(京都)の旅行記・ブログ by akikoさん【フォートラベル】

Obi by 紫紘 Shiko Co., Ltd.

It is based on the colours of the British flag - blue, white and red, and features the striking swirl pattern familiar from the opening sequence of the 007 film. The national flowers of England (tudor rose), Wales (trumpet daffodil), Scotland (thistle) and Northern Ireland (shamrock), which make up the United Kingdom, are placed at the centre of the spiral.

Image Reference:
【英国】に込めた技術と想い Kimono Project - CAMPFIRE (キャンプファイヤー)

Following on from this Kimono, I'll be looking at kimonos from the constituent regions of the UK, let's start with Wales, shall we? Happy Imbolc✨🐉