
in idleness

a grab bag in mid-summer

I had hectic June and July, finally I went to my hairdresser's to fix my messy hair and just dropped by the museum on my way home to get some postcards.

Museum shop was also on summer sale, I would never supposed museums gave us any discount, which was a good surprise! I found a 'lucky grab bag' was 385JPY(3.5USD) to 15 postcards. That’s a steal! Are they sure it's all right? I purchased 3 bags, here comes a literally pile of postcards:D

A few days ago, Postcrossing sent me a message celebrating my 1st anniversary of taking part in. I rejoined because I thought I should do something feeding my soul. I'd love to say Arigato(thank you) to you and Postcrossing that I could reached today!