
in idleness

一期一会 (Ichigo Ichie)

I have sent four follow-up cards in 2021 so far and three of them have arrived safely🙌 The other one may be difficult as it seems to be in a bad postal area. I'm not a perfectionist (although I used to be, and I tortured myself and sometimes it still seemed to show in my mind), so I don't get annoyed if I can't follow up, but I do feel kind of disappointed, like a piece of the puzzle is missing.

Do you write the address on your postcard? Most of the cards I receive do not have an address on them and I rarely write mine, because I think one of the best things about receiving postcrossing card is that it comes from someone you don't know, somewhere in the world. I appropriate

'Once-in-a-lifetime opportunity,'

which is called


i/tɕiŋoitɕi\e (by IPA)
in Japanese🌠