
in idleness

友引, one of the six days from 六曜

One of the calendars that is still used in Japan is 六曜, the Roku-yo, which is a calendar of fortune based on the five elements of yin, yang and the Chinese zodiac, and is a calendar of fortune, good and bad times and directions for each day of the year.

One of the six days (六曜 means the six days) that make it up is 友引, Tomo-biki. It is said that if someone hold a funeral or farewell ceremony on 友引 Tomo-biki, the dead would '引 - pull' the '友 - friend' out to the afterlife. On the other hand, holding a wedding ceremony on Tomo-biki could be good luck for your friends, For this reason, it is considered to be suitable for celebrations, but not for funerals

The Roku-yo came from China, and has no connection with Buddhism, Shintoism, Christianity or any other religion. Therefore, there is no religious significance to avoiding a funeral on Tomo-biki. It can be said that the people choose a safer day so as not to get into trouble later because of the day and to avoid being told that you chose a bad day.

As long as there are people who care about the Roku-yo, this custom will continue. As for me, I like to be able to do things at the right time, and as a result, I suppose I would care about it.