
in idleness

Postcrossing August Writing Prompt: sayings or proverbs from your country

Tokyo2020 is going to be closed on 8 August, I will surely miss its hustle and bustle. I believe once the festival begin, all we have to do is dance (metaphorically)!

I'd like to introduce a famous shout in the Awa Odori dance festival (阿波おどり) which originated in Tokushima Prefecture(徳島県), Japan.

  • '踊る阿呆に見る阿呆、同じ阿呆なら踊らにゃ損損' ~ Odoru aho ni miru aho, Onaji aho nara odoranya son son ~


  • 'Dancing fool, watching fool: all fools, so let's all dance!'

I take it as follows: Whether we are in the whirlpool of fun or just stepping back from fun, there is no doubt that we both have been thrown into this world. If there is something that we've got to face, we should even take advantage of it instead of thinking it is anyone else's business.