
in idleness

as staying away from big cities

I didn't know there was such a thing as a 'international Illustrated postcard' issued by Japan Post. They also issued the official postcard for the Tokyo2020 Olympics which were already closed, when I get ones I will send them to my friends.

Too late information of the Tokyo2020 postal official items : https://www.japanpost.jp/tokyo2020/stamp/index.html (in Japanese)

I knew that special items were issued for every event, not just the Olympics, and that interesting postmarks ​were used, but living away from big cities like Tokyo is quite a disadvantage in terms of philately. I enjoyed to visit post offices collecting postmarks called 風景印* with local characteristics when I was living in. Where I live is not a postal hobby ​friendly place have few unique postmarks. One of the best things about big cities is the abundance of entertainment, which can be expensive though, lol!

風景印 'Fukei-in' : It shows 'Fukei-in' - scenery postmarks - depicting landscapes and famous places associated with each post office. https://www.post.japanpost.jp/kitte_hagaki/stamp/fuke/ (in Japanese)