
in idleness

the stories make me salivate

A friend of mine told me she had seen 深夜食堂(Tokyo Stories) on Netflix. I remembered seeing it on terrestrial TV a long time ago, but I didn't know that Netflix was currently showing the original version.

It's about a diner that opens in the middle of the night in a busy part of Tokyo and serves home-cooked food. The story revolves around one menu item each time. Just watching the opening which shows the making of miso soup with pork makes me salivate. Yummy!

Most of the people who come here have their own reasons for being there, and they are a little different from those who work during the day and sleep at night. I love to see the kindness, compassion, struggles and many other things that exist in the hearts of characters.

Especially in a big city like Tokyo, there is a certain indifference, as if you don't know who lives next door, so it is a relief to see the humanity in this drama.

It's all about unpretentious, everyday food, so when I see it when I'm hungry, I start cooking too.