
in idleness

Japanese microseasons

As well as preparing Christmas cards, it's time to start preparing our diaries and calendars for the coming year. I like calendars with the phases of the moon and the 24 solar terms that have been around for a long time in Japanese life that is called 'Japanese microseasons.'

Each solar term (24 in total) is divided into three pentads. Each pentad (72 in total) is mostly named after biological or botanical phenomena. For example, today, the 23rd September, is the Autumnal Equinox(秋分), when the thunder stops(雷乃収声). And it's also a public holiday.🍁

For several years now I have been living with Japanese microseasons in mind and have found that they are perfectly suited to the weather, especially in the mornings and evenings. What I have noticed is that the seasons seem to be moving forward much faster than I am aware of.