
in idleness

make lemonade!

Some time ago I came across an article on the internet with an interesting title. The title is: 'Unrequited love, murderous intent... secrets in lockdown on hundreds of postcards' 11 April 2021, 17:00  London/UK (The article is in Japanese.)

It goes on to say...

Following the third lockdown of cities in the UK in January following the spread of the new coronavirus, Eleanor Tattersfield's family stationery shop, Marby & Elm, sent out stamped postcards with the caption The postcards, which were stamped and labeled "Secrets in Lockdown," were distributed to customers.

For more information, please visit the Marby & Elm website.

But then again, does everyone have that many secrets? They published a book based on the secrets they receive, which is an interesting initiative. When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.